Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013

Monster Types

Type: Lynian / 獣人種


Cat-Like Lynians:MelynxFelyne
Humanoid Lynians:ShakalakaKing ShakalakaCha-ChaKayamba
Lynians (Japanese 獣人種) are a race of sapient creatures who are native to the land. There are currently only two known Lynian species: the cat-like species which harbor the Melynx and Felyne, and the humanoid Shakalaka. They are both "intelligent", have "complex" societies, and use a language, although the Shakalaka are more primitive and barbaric, while the cat species tend to live peacefully in democratic societies. Before they build more intensive relation with human, they seem like already have their own civilization. The Shakalaka are governed by a king or ruler, also known as King Shakalaka, identified by a BBQ Spit on top of its head, a bigger mask and has a club than a saw. Both the Felyne and Shakalaka can help human hunters

Type: Herbivore / 草食種


Herbivores:AptonothApcerosPopoKelbiAntekaMosswine,    Epioth
Herbivores (Japanese 草食種) are weak monsters that eat vegetation 
from grass or trees instead of hunting for meat.They are usually docile 
monsters which may attack or run away
 if threatened. 
They range in many different sizes and species.
 Although they are all in the same group, many of the species are 
not closely related to each other.

Type: Neopteron / 甲虫種

Aruserutasu Render fixed + wins
Neopterons:VespoidQueen VespoidHornetaurGreat Thunderbug,BnahabraAltarothKunchuuAruserutasu,Generu Serutasu
Neopterons (Japanese 甲虫種) are small insect-like monsters that usually travel in swarms. Because their shells are so brittle, they rarely drop materials when slain. Neopterons are very susceptible to poison and fire, while they hold quite a resistance to the Dragon Element. Their materials are often used to make very sharp weapons.

Type: Chelicerata / 鋏角種


Cheliceratas (Japanese 鋏角種) are a class of monster first introduced in Monster Hunter 4.

Type: Bird Wyvern / 鳥竜種

Kut Ku 4th Gen Render

Theropod Bird Wyverns:VelocipreyVelocidrome,
 Jaggi,JaggiaGreat JaggiBaggi,
 Great BaggiWroggi,Great Wroggi
Bird Wyverns:Yian Kut-KuBlue Yian Kut-KuYian Garuga,Gypceros,
Purple Gypceros,
 Hypnocatrice,Hypnocatrice Rare SpeciesBreeding Season HypnocatriceQurupecoGargwa,
 Crimson QurupecoDelma-IopreyFarunokku
Bird Wyverns (Japanese 鳥竜種) are a class of monsters introduced in the 
first generation. They are, as their name implies, bird-like in nature, with 
slender, delicate bodies.
 Despite their comparatively small stature,
 Bird Wyverns often use their agility to their advantage to neutralize attackers and prey alike.
There are two distinct types of Bird Wyverns: 
Flying Bird Wyverns and Raptorial Bird Wyverns.
 Flying Bird Wyverns exhibit similar characteristics to true Wyverns, 
with developed and functional wings. Many of these possess a hard,
 sharp beak which can be used to peck at attackers, and generally 
behave in a bird-like manner. Raptorial Bird Wyverns are reminiscent of 
Brute Wyverns; flightless, bipedal creatures with long tails and powerful legs.

Type: Flying Wyvern / 飛竜種

Rathalos MH4 Render

True Wyverns:RathalosAzure RathalosSilver Rathalos,
 Zerureusu,RathianPink Rathian,
 Gold Rathian,
 Unknown (Black Flying Wyvern)KhezuRed KhezuMonoblos,
 White Monoblos,DiablosBlack DiablosBasariosBasarios SubspeciesGraviosBlack GraviosEspinasEspinas SubspeciesEspinas Rare SpeciesBerukyurosu,Doragyurosu,
Pseudo Wyverns:TigrexTigrex SubspeciesTigrex Rare SpeciesNargacuga,Green NargacugaLucent NargacugaAkantorUkanlos,GiggiGigginoxBaleful GigginoxBariothSand Barioth,PariapuriaDhuragauaOdibatorasuHyujikikiMi Ru
Flying Wyverns (Japanese 飛竜種) are large, bipedal monsters that have two wings. However, there are some Wyverns that are quadrupedal, operating their wingarms as forearms instead like Tigrex and Nargacuga. These monsters have been dubbed by fans as "Pseudo Wyverns", due to some species being reminiscent of certain animals such as the Nargacuga's resemblance to a black panther, Tigrex's resemblance to a Tyrannosaur, and the Barioth's resemblance to a saber toothed cat. (Pseudo meaning "False" or "Mimic") Some are flightless despite their classification as Flying Wyverns, like the Akantor and Ukanlos. These wyverns show their wyverian ancestry by the small forewings on their two front limbs. Still others are known as Cave Wyverns, (though Monster Hunter games do not classify them as different) and are named so because they spend most of their lives in caves. The Khezu, Gigginox, and their subspecies are included in this. They are known for their disgusting appearance. (i.e., leech-like mouths.) Flying Wyverns make up a large majority of the monsters in the Monster Hunter franchise.

Type: Piscine Wyvern / 魚竜種


Piscine Wyverns:CephalosCephadromePlesiothGreen Plesioth,LavasiothLavasioth SubspeciesDelexGoruganosu,Aruganosu
Piscine Wyverns (Japanese 魚竜種) are a class of monsters introduced in the first generation. Superficially similar to Flying Wyverns, these monsters typically possess fish-like bodies, and are generally known to inhabit viscous environments. Common characteristics possessed by all Piscine Wyverns include highly developed fins, thick, paddle-like tails, pupil less eyes, and other fish-like facial features. Despite their aquatic appearance, Piscine Wyverns are often highly capable of terrestrial life, and are even known to inhabit desert dunes and volcanic magma pools.

Type: Carapaceon / 甲殻種


Carapaceons:HermitaurDaimyo HermitaurPlum Daimyo Hermitaur,CeanataurShogun CeanataurTerra Shogun Ceanataur,
Shen GaorenAkura VashimuAkura JebiaTaikun Zamuza,Baelidae
Carapaceons (Japanese 甲殻種) are crustacean-like monsters that have hard shells and exoskeletons or crab-like bodies, which mostly require weapons with at least green sharpness to break. When they're weakened by physical damage, they show internal bleeding by the frothing of the purple bubbles from their mouths. Most of these crustaceans resemble crabs, lobsters or scorpions.

Type: Amphibian / 両生種

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Amphibians (Japanese 両生種) are a class of monster first introduced in Monster Hunter 4.

Type: Primatius / Pelagus / Fanged Beasts / 牙獣種


Fanged Beasts:ArzurosLagombiVolvidon
Fanged Beasts (Japanese 牙獣種 „Gajūshu, also known as Pelagus andPrimatius) monsters are beastly mammalian creatures that operate with only legs, and no wings. They are often much faster than other larger threats. The first Primatius monsters appeared in Monster Hunter 2. They were referred to as Primatius in earlier translations, but as of Unite are known as Pelagus. More of the Pelagus were added in MHP3, they are known as Fanged Beasts in the Japanese version, and in the English version of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.

Type: Leviathan / 海竜種


Leviathans:LudrothRoyal LudrothPurple LudrothGobulLagiacrusIvory LagiacrusAbyssal LagiacrusUroktorAgnaktorGlacial AgnaktorNibelsnarfKuarusepusuPokaradonBaruragaru
Leviathans (Japanese 海竜種) are a class of monsters first appearing in the third generation. This class is mainly comprised of serpentine creatures with long, slender bodies and paddle-like tails. Unlike most other monsters, many Leviathans are accustomed to aquatic life, and in fact are often apex predators in their underwater habitats. Those that are aquatic can be found on land as well, but are much better suited to life under the sea. However, some Leviathans are uniquely adapted for terrestrial life, many capable of digging and burrowing to surprise prey from below. Leviathans can be found in a wide variety of habitats, ranging from oceans and deserts to volcanoes and frozen tundras.

Type: Snake Wyvern / 蛇竜種


Snake Wyverns:RemobraGarara Ajara
Snake Wyverns (Japanese 蛇竜種) are a class of monster first introduced in Monster Hunter 4.

Type: Brute Wyvern / 獣竜種

Brute Wyverns:BarrothJade BarrothUragaanSteel UragaanDeviljho,Savage DeviljhoDuramborosRust DuramborosBrachydios,AbioruguGiaorugu
Brute Wyverns (Japanese 獣竜種) are a class of monsters first introduced in the third generation. These monsters are typically large, bipedal theropod-like creatures, that are prone to living in areas abundant in food sources. Brute Wyverns exhibit a wide variety of dietary habits; some are strictly herbivorous or carnivorous, while others subsist on insects or even minerals. These monsters often use their heavy, muscular bodies to charge blindly through an environment to damage attackers or prey, and include many defensive adaptations, including tail clubs, horns, and even hammer-like chins and fists. Like most classes, Brute Wyverns can be found in almost any type of environment.

Type: Fanged Wyvern / 牙竜種

Zinogre MH4 Render

Fanged Wyverns:ZinogreStygian Zinogre
Fanged Wyverns (Japanese 牙竜種) are a class of monster first introduced in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. The only known species of these mammal-like wyverns are Zinogre and its subspecies.

Type: Elder Dragon / 古龍種

Kushala Daora MH4 Render

Elder Dragons:
Elder Dragons (Japanese 古龍種) are a class of monsters introduced in the first generation. Unlike species classes like Brute Wyverns or Bird Wyvern, Elder dragons is rather a collection of species with no definitive features, similar to Herbivore or Fanged Beast. Although all Elder Dragons has the ability to cause devastating disasters. These monsters are rare, powerful, and are sometimes even treated as deities by hunters within the Monster Hunter universe. Elder Dragons exhibit a wide variety of body types, the most common being a quadrupedal entity with a long tail and two wings. However, some Elder Dragons can possess Equine or even Cephalopodic features. This class includes monsters that are suited to any realm, be it land, sea or air. In addition, Elder Dragons can be found in almost any environment in the MH world, and are generally the most powerful monsters one can encounter in any given zone

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